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Form Definition

With CoolForms, forms are displayed automatically from a definition. This allows you to create them on the fly and avoir cluttering your code with HMTL. In this document you will learn how to create them from scratch.

Also know that a python library exists : py-coolforms allowing you to generate a JSON definition on the fly.

A JSON hireachy model

Form definitions are orginized in a hireachical fashion: A Form contains pages that contains lines that contains fields... for an example to get you started see: simple.json

You can provide the form to coolform the directive directly from a js object or from an URL that coolform will download and display automatically. For more information on that matter see: coolform-directive


form is the root element of your definition, it can contain the following keys:


Your form should have at least one page, if there are more it will be displayed as a wizard.




Validators apply validation contraints on fields. See Validators for a list of builtin validators.


A user can extends coolforms with custom validators and directives.